
Guest Contributor

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Designing Behavioral Health Environments to Avoid Seclusion

Posted by Guest Contributor on Jul 30, 2021

An emerging best practice for behavioral health environments is to design spaces that minimize or eliminate areas where patients are secluded or restrained. The aim is to develop an environment.....READ MORE

Topics: Behavioral Health Design

Setting the Stage for Clinician-Centered Design

Posted by Guest Contributor on Dec 01, 2020

While patient experience, satisfaction and recovery rates are wise metrics to evaluate a health system, there are routine occupants that simply need a more supportive built environment: the...


Making a Difference: Renovating a Pediatric Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit

Posted by Guest Contributor on Sep 22, 2020

Behavioral healthcare remains an underfunded service line, and Array strives to promote the important work of our clients who are focusing on this stigmatized specialty. In recent years, we’ve worked...


Topics: Behavioral Health Design, pediatric design

Design Feature: Central Sterile Processing Department at Mt. Sinai West

Posted by Guest Contributor on Jun 18, 2020

This blog was co-authored by Rosana Bassi.

When health systems expand, support services often need to grow to support increased volumes. A common example of this is the expansion of Central Sterile.....READ MORE

Topics: Central Sterile Processing, design

How Post Occupancy Evaluations Advance Healthcare Design

Posted by Guest Contributor on Jun 10, 2020

As architects specializing in healthcare, we long to create built environments that make a mark both aesthetically and operationally. We want to design a space that is scientifically measured to...


Topics: Healthcare Design, post occupancy evaluations

Temporary Field Hospitals Enable Low Acuity COVID-19 Care in NYC

Posted by Guest Contributor on May 14, 2020

This blog was co-authored by Keith Urio and David Lam.

As the COVID-19 hospital admittance continues in New York City, New York Presbyterian (NYP) reached out to Array to assist them with designing.....READ MORE

Topics: Coronavirus, Temporary field hospitals

Using Shelled Space to Increase Bed Capacity for COVID-19 Patients

Posted by Guest Contributor on Apr 17, 2020

Across the nation, healthcare design is getting more attention than ever before. The general public is now acutely aware of the importance of infection controls, while stories of alternate care sites.....READ MORE

Topics: bed capacity, COVID-19 Bed Capacity

Array Architects Teams with iCrowd to Design Medical Tents for COVID-19 Patients in New York City

Posted by Guest Contributor on Apr 02, 2020

This blog was co-authored by Dan Russell.

As the current epicenter of the US COVID-19 outbreak, New York City hospitals are struggling to provide beds for their patients. To combat the dwindling bed.....READ MORE

Topics: Coronavirus, medical tent design

AIA Webinar: Building a Framework for Behavioral Health Design

Posted by Guest Contributor on Mar 10, 2020

Recently, Pat Malick and I were invited to present a webinar sponsored by the American Institute of Architects and their Academy of Architecture for Health. We focused the presentation around our.....READ MORE

Topics: Pediatrics, Behavioral Health Design, webinar

Linear Accelerator Design: Going Beyond the Equipment Manual

Posted by Guest Contributor on Jan 08, 2020

Designing a Linear Accelerator (Linac) tends to be one of the more complicated projects you come across in diagnostic imaging. There is an abundance of information, critical milestones for.....READ MORE

Topics: Linac design, linear accelerator design

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